Rental FormPlacing an order with us is now a breeze. Fill out the order form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. First name * First name is required Last name * Last name is required Phone Number * Phone number is required Diving Center (if applicable) E-mail * Email is required Pickup Time Comments (e.g How many din and/or yoke) 2L / 3L 5L / 6L 10L 12L Short 12L Long 12L Alum 15L 18L Twinset Fill AIR Fill Fill Nitrox Fill Fill Trimix Fill Rent AIR: Tank Rental Rent Nitrox: Tank Rental Rent 50% oxygen (12L size) Rent 50% oxygen (6L size) Rent 100% oxygen (12L size) Rent 100% oxygen (6L size) Rent Twin set - AIR Rent Twin set - Nitrox Rent Twin set - Trimix Rent Rebreather 2L & 3L AIR Rent Rebreather 2L & 3L Oxygen EQUIPMENT RENTALS Equipment Size QTY Comments Rent Regulator Rent BCD Rent Wetsuit Rent Boots Rent Fins Rent Mask Rent Snorkel Rent Weights Agree to terms and conditions You must agree before submitting. Submit